Scarica la mia guida gratuita
Che cosa ti impedisce di diventare un traduttore di successo
con un flusso continuo di ottimi clienti?

Scarica questa guida gratuita per scoprire come attrarre i clienti e costruire l’attività di traduzione che hai sempre sognato.
Ricevi la mia guida gratuita “60 modi in cui un traduttore può trovare clienti”
Ebook Testimonials

Marita Kretschmann, Specialist language service for the business, marketing and tourism sector
Hello Virginia,
Thank you very much for your Ebook! I just finished reading it and I think it is awesome! Your Ebook shares very good content and useful ideas for translators like me, who are standing right at the beginning with their business. I must say: I am glad I found you! I also had a look onto your website and recognised that you are offering courses regarding linkedin strategies.
Hope to keep in touch with you as your business looks deeply interesting.
Stay safe, kind regards

Jose Ángel Jiménez González, Traductor de inglés a español
Thank you for making a comprehensive and compact "to-do list" for every aspiring translator.
This should be like the 10 commandments (or rather, 60) for all translators who are struggling to find clients, or even those who are at university. Sadly, no teachers or mentors would give us these tips. It's always the students who have to appeal to professionals online.
Thankfully, we have translators like you who are so committed to help others to thrive.
Again, thank you. I'll keep an eye on whatever you've got stored for us!

Jose, Translator
Thank you for this ebook, Virginia. To have some of your tremendous knowledge on a document is priceless.
Allow me to say that you're a role model for me personally, and for every translator who is starting out in this ever-changing market. I've been following every article, video and any form of content you have made and it has been extremely helpful.
I've been struggling for the last 5 months to find my real first client and I'm sure I'll end up finding what I strive for. Thanks again, I'll give you my feedback as soon as I take a good look at the ebook.