Date: August 9 – September 5, 2021
Title: LinkedIn Content Marketing Summer School
Did you know that LinkedIn has more than 740 million active users? This is why LinkedIn is a valuable social platform all marketers should be leveraging.
That’s why I am launching my brand new LinkedIn Content Marketing Summer School for Translators & Interpreters, where you’ll learn how to develop your presence on the platform, drive business growth, and connect with leads, customers through your content. Having been a 15+ years professional, while having managed to get 100 prospects per week, I gathered all the tools, tactics, strategies I have been using about and I am ready to share everything with you the next four weeks. Are you ready to learn automation tools & tricks that no one has ever taught you before? If your language business would benefit from getting a steady flow of high-quality leads and clients from LinkedIn, month after month without using any aggressive sales methods, then this FREE LinkedIn Training is for you. LinkedIn Content Marketing Summer School For Translators: Create Content that Converts. You can register for free HERE: This is equally applicable for first time LinkedIn users and starting out translators and those who have been in the business for some years and want to demystify the LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy and learn automation tools & tricks that no one has ever taught you before.- Do you want to increase engagement and attract clients with your content?
- Do you want expand your client-list and grow your business with high-quality leads and clients?
- Do you want to get a steady workflow of high-quality leads and clients from LinkedIn in 4 weeks?
- How to discover what your audience values the most and speak to them through your text.
- The structure of creating engaging content and landing it right in front of your target audience. Create your first piece of content and share it during the program.
- How to stop struggling to think of new posts ideas. Generate 250 content ideas for your blog, articles and LinkedIn posts.
- How to use content to show people need you and grow your reach and engagement.
- My proven inbound lead generation approach and tools to automate the process though LinkedIn, the most powerful tool for generating B2B leads, clients, & sales.
- Freelance translators, interpreters, language professionals and in general solopreneurs who want to get a steady flow of high-quality leads and clients from LinkedIn, month after month.
- Equally applicable for first time LinkedIn users and starting out translators and those who have been in the business for more than 5 years and want to demystify the LinkedIn Prospecting Strategy and learn automation tools & tricks that no one has ever taught you before.
- 4 Weekly training sessions with Virginia Katsimpiri delivered online that will guide you step by step through this proven process.
- 4 Weekly Q&A sessions with Virginia Katsimpiri delivered online that will give you the chance to get personalized support on your work.
- Weekly Implementation Tasks where you can implement your tasks, whilst having Virginia on hand in case you have questions.
- Weekly Checklist & Accountability to help you keep you on track with taking action each week and achieving your goals.
- Support via a Dedicated Private Support Group where you can post questions and receive support.

About the Trainer
Hi, I’m Virginia, creator of the Fully Booked Translator Formula & the Ultimate LinkedIn Prospecting System the first comprehensive, results-oriented 1:1 & Group Business Mentoring Programs for Language Professionals. I am a Certified Translator for over 14 years and since 2014 I run my own business and have doubled or tripled my revenue every year. I have helped hundreds Freelance Translators worldwide to attract international clients and rapidly build their profitable business through my Mentoring Programs. Now I run two online businesses. I tried many different methods. By trial and error, I learned what works. I want to save you time by sharing with you the strategies that have led me to 5-figure months.What led me to start mentoring translators?
- I am a Certified Translator since 2007
- I run my Translation Agency since 2014
- I got Certified as a Life Coach (Expert Level) in 2016
- I got my MBA in client acquisition strategies for language professionals in 2019
- I am currently studying translators/interpreters’ business performance a a PhD level.